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  • Recruitment | 株式会社メディカルケア

    Employment information We provide welfare services with the motto "Being that person". Would you like to help us spend time together "like that person"? We are looking forward to your application. 採用情報を条件で絞り込む 職種・資格 勤務地 雇用形態 該当する情報はございませんでした。 検索条件を変更して、再度お試しください。 【正社員】介護福祉士<ケアホームなかそね> 2024年11月30日 募集期間: 勤務地: ケアホームなかそね(富山県高岡市) 職種・資格: 介護スタッフ 介護福祉士 詳しく見る

  • Inquiries by e-mail | 株式会社メディカルケア

    Contact Us Please tell us your voice FAQ * Required What's in your inquiry select a keyword. You can view related frequently asked questions. Your First Name <Required> Your Last Name <Required> Email Address <Required> Street Address Phone Number Inquiry Type <Required> Your Voice <Required> Image File Upload file The file formats that can be attached are ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", and ".png". (The data format of images taken by smartphones corresponds to these) Document File Upload file The file formats that can be attached are ".pdf", ".docx", ".docm", ".xlsx", ".xlsm", ".pptx", ".pptm", ".accdb", etc. For opinions and inquiries regarding related companies and affiliated companies, we may share personal information with other companies as necessary for the purpose of conducting situation surveys and providing more appropriate answers, or directly from the companies concerned. We may reply to you. It may take some time to answer. If you are in a hurry, please contact us by phone. TEL: 0766-86-8857 Questions may be resolved. FAQ Please check also together. Please read " Privacy Policy r " and if you agree, check "Agree" and click the "Send" button. I agree Send Copyright © MEDICAL CARE CO., LTD.

  • 福祉 | 株式会社メディカルケア | 日本

    株式会社メディカルケアは、小規模多機能型居宅介護を中心に、福祉事業を展開しております。 Office Guide Contact FAQ Availability Corporate information Covid-19  special announcement ・About the impact on service provision due to the earthquake that occurred in the Noto region of Ishikawa Prefecturer ・Covid-19 Measures to prevent the spread of infection r Notice (Japanese only) [Website] System maintenance notice r 2024年1月16日 [Details] Regarding the impact on service provision due to the earthquake that occurred in the Noto region of Ishikawa Prefecture r 2024年1月2日 Regarding the impact on service provision due to the earthquake that occurred in the Noto region of Ishikawa Prefecture r 2024年1月2日 News / Topics from Medical Care The September issue of Medical Care Web Communication has been published.r Beware of food poisoning caused by poisonous plants r About Medical Care We, Medical Care, are developing welfare projects for the elderly in Toyama and Ishikawa prefectures under the motto of 「 living together, being the person you are.」 For more information about our company, please visit our company page. Corporate information Inquiry Click here for Medical Care inquiries

  • Corporate Vision | About Us | MEDICAL CARE CO., LTD.

    Corporate Vision With the motto "Living together like that person" We aim to practice high-quality services by setting the principle of customer-centeredness as the basis of corporate management. We will promote the development of new community-based welfare services and community development with the participation of residents. We will contribute to the fostering of welfare education and welfare culture in collaboration with education and research institutes.

  • Online visitation reservation form | 株式会社メディカルケア

    Online visit application form * Required Your First Name <Required> Your Last Name<Required> Email address <Required> Phone number Services you are using <Required> Please select Desired date and time 1 <Required> Desired date and time 2 * Since it takes time to make adjustments, please select a date that is at least 3 days ahead of the application date. Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that we will not be able to accept reservations made by other customers at the same office during the same time period. In addition, please note that we may not be able to meet your request due to other business reasons. Requests We may not be able to meet your request regarding the date and time of your reservation.Thank you for your understanding. For online visits, we will use the meeting tool "ZOOM". To use it, you need the latest "ZOOM Cloud Meetings" app. * Account registration is not required. In addition, the customer is responsible for the communication charges when installing the app and during the visit. Click here for IOS version installation q Click here for Android version installation q It may take some time to answer. If you are in a hurry, please contact us by phone. TEL: 0766-86-8857 ■ Purpose of use The personal information you enter will be managed based on our Privacy Policy, and will be used only for responding to and responding to inquiries and inquiries. ■ To those who submit the form Please be sure to read the above "Purpose of use" and " Privacy Policy r ", and if you agree, check "I agree" and click the "Send" button. I agree Send Transmission completed At the same time as sending your inquiry / request, we will send you an email notifying you that the reception has been completed. If you do not receive the email, the email address you entered may be incorrect. Sorry for your inconvenience, but please enter the correct email address and contact us again. Copyright © MEDICAL CARE CO., LTD.

  • エントリー 【正社員】施設長(看護師)<ケアホームあきもと> | 株式会社メディカルケア

    Medical Care Co., Ltd. 採用情報ページへ戻る 【正社員】施設長(看護師)<ケアホームあきもと> 採用エントリー [Part] Nursing staff (helper beginner training graduates) Recruitment entry If you wish to submit your resume by mail, please complete this form and send your resume within a week. (Must arrive) Address: 5-13 Tomeishichiken, Imizu City, Toyama Prefecture 933-0236 Medical Care Co., Ltd. We are not currently recruiting. Enter your name, contact information, etc. Name Example) Taro Sato * Please put a space between the first and last name. <Required> * Name [Katakana] Example) Sato Taro * Please put a space between the first and last name. <Required> * Email address <required> * Phone number <required> * Postal code Prefectures City, street address, building name, room number, etc. How to contact us * * Multiple selections are possible 電話 メール 郵送 Submit resume 履歴書の提出方法<必須> * 履歴書をURLで提出する 履歴書をファイルで提出する オンライン履歴書で提出する 履歴書を郵送で提出する Submit your resume by URL Submit your resume as a file upload You can upload your resume. Submit your resume by mail If you wish to submit your resume by mail, please complete this form and send your resume within a week. (Must arrive) Address: 5-13 Tomeishichiken, Imizu City, Toyama Prefecture 933-0236 Medical Care Co., Ltd. Other matters to be contacted Available dates 自己PR Remarks Please read " Privacy Policy r " and if you agree, check "Agree" and click the "Apply" button. * 同意する Send Copyright © MEDICAL CARE CO., LTD.

  • Changes in service provision due to Typhoon Nanmadol | Special Announcements | ​Medical Care Co., Ltd.

    Changes in service provision due to Typhoon Nanmadol Thank you for using Medical Care Co., Ltd. Typhoon No. 14 is expected to approach the Hokuriku region from the night of September 19th to the early morning of September 20th. From the viewpoint of ensuring the safety of users, we may change the content of some services. We ask for your understanding in advance that this may cause inconvenience to our customers and their families. In addition, users who have difficulty ensuring safety at home due to living alone can use the overnight stay service on the 19th free of charge, even if they do not normally use the overnight stay service. Some municipalities have established voluntary evacuation centers. If you feel uneasy about the approaching typhoon, please take action to protect your life, such as evacuating to a shelter as soon as possible. ※スマートフォンをご利用の場合、スワイプして表をご覧ください。 ご利用のサービス 料金 通い、訪問サービス中心 1,170円/月 通い、泊まりサービス中心 2,340円/月 なお、現在サービスをご利用中のお客様へは 順次、弊社担当よりご説明をさせていただいております。 今後とも、すべてのご利用者様、ご家族様が、安心・快適にサービスをご利用いただけるよう、お客様や、関係機関の皆様のお声を大切にし、衛生環境、サービス品質の向上に努力を重ねてまいりますので、何卒ご理解いただきますよう、お願い申し上げます。 2022年10 月3日 株式会社メディカルケア 印刷される方はこちらをご利用ください e 感染症対策費のご負担について w Inquiries Copyright © MEDICAL CARE CO., LTD.

  • ​住宅型有料老人ホーム 愛の風(石川県金沢市)における運営を開始|株式会社メディカルケア

    住宅型有料老人ホーム愛の風(石川県金沢市)における運営を開始~石川県金沢市においてサービスの提供を行います~株式会社メディカルケア(本社:富山県射水市、代表者:池尾 深雪、以下「メディカルケア」)は、有限会社北国福祉医療開発(本社:石川県河北郡津幡町、代表者:小林 博子、以下「北国福祉医療開発」)からの事業譲渡を受け、2020年2月1日(土)より住宅型有料老人ホーム 愛の風(所在地:石川県金沢市、以下「愛の風」)における運営を開始いたしました。これまで、メディカルケアは富山県の一部地域においてサービスの提供をしてまいりましたが、今後は石川県金沢市においてもサービスを提供してまいりまいります。メ No. J-1 February 1, 2020 Started operation of Ai no Kaze (Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture), a residential-type pay nursing home -We will provide services in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture- Co., Ltd. Medical Care (Headquarters: Toyama Prefecture Imizu, Representative: Miyuki Ikeo, hereinafter referred to as "medical care") is a limited company northern welfare and healthcare development (Headquarters: Ishikawa Prefecture, Hebei County tsubata, Representative: Hiroko Kobayashi, following Following the business transfer from "Hokuriku Welfare and Medical Development"), from Saturday, February 1, 2020, we will operate the residential-type pay nursing home Ai no Kaze (Location: Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, hereinafter "Ai no Kaze"). It has started. Until now, Medical Care has provided services in some areas of Toyama Prefecture, but in the future we will also provide services in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture. Medical care will continue to aim to be a care service that can be used by all people with peace of mind. ◆ Overview of the wind of love Operation start date From Saturday, February 1, 2020   ※ operation and services provided by northern welfare and healthcare development until January 31, 2020 (Friday) location 1-368 Takabatake, Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture Service contents Residential pay nursing home * For more information on residential pay nursing homes, please see the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website. Tenants Capacity 24 people (20 private rooms, 20 people, 2 couple rooms, 4 people) that's all Click here for the Ai no Kaze page for residential-type pay nursing homes Contact ◆ Medical Care Co., Ltd. 0766-86-8856 Click here for inquiries by email              

  • Useful Information Medical Care CLEAN CARE PRO ... | 株式会社メディカルケア

    メディカルケア CLEAN CARE PROMISE メディカルケアの新型コロナ対策 クリーンケアプロミス 新型コロナウイルスに関するお役立ち情報をご案内いたします。 介護予防や、感染リスクへのご不安解消に、ぜひご活用ください。​ Medical Care CLEAN CARE PROMISE TOP initiatives Request Useful Useful information We have posted information that will be useful in your new daily life. Please use it to prevent long-term care and to eliminate anxiety about infection risk. Details Online visits are available at some offices! "Novel Coronavirus infection" Points to be aware of as an elderly person Attention material for home service (outpatient) users and families regarding support for the Novel Coronavirus Home service (short-term admission) users and family warning materials regarding support for the Novel Coronavirus

  • プレスリリース-2020 | 株式会社メディカルケア

    ​プレスリリース ​プレスリリース ​住宅型有料老人ホーム 愛の風(石川県金沢市)における運営を開始​ ​2020年2月1日 Press release Launched online visits r October 24, 2020 Website design renewed r September 1, 2020 Easily r consultation is smoother, more June 19, 2020 Open a Twitter account r April 3, 2020 Start the operation in a residential-type nursing homes love of wind (Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture) r February 1, 2020

  • 介護職員処遇改善加算および介護職員等特定処遇改善加算についてのご案内 | 株式会社メディカルケア

    Information on the long-term care staff treatment improvement addition and the special treatment improvement addition for long-term care staff, etc. We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued patronage of our service. In medical care, users charge a fixed percentage of the long-term care fee * ³ for the long-term care staff treatment improvement addition * ¹ and the long-term care staff specific treatment improvement addition * ². The rate and amount of treatment improvement addition will vary depending on the office and service you use. Details are as follows. * ¹ The long-term care staff treatment improvement addition is a system for improving the treatment of long-term care staff working in the field of long-term care. * ² The special treatment improvement addition for long-term care staff is a system that was newly put into operation in October 2019 in order to improve the treatment of long-term care staff with skills and experience. * ³ Please see the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website q for nursing care fees. Residential-type pay nursing homes (Care Community Shinsei, Care Home Akimoto, Residential-type pay nursing homes, Residential-type pay nursing homes Ai no Kaze) do not receive additional treatment improvement for long-term care staff or specific treatment improvement for long-term care staff. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Click here for inquiry page q

  • Email registration | 株式会社メディカルケア

    メディカルケアWeb通信お知らせメール ¥ 0 0¥ 最新号の配信情報などをメールにてお知らせします。 Free Plan 登録

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